I just published my 2023 Field Notes recap, but I saw a post on instagram where someone did a recap on their entire Field Notes collection. Inspired, I decided to do the same type of recap myself.

Field Notes have been in my pocket for over 10 years now (!!!), but I had no idea how many I had actually used. Turns out it’s 86! Kind of lower than I guessed, but it’s the quality, not the quantity 😅.

They used to all fit in one archival box, but since 2022 they have overflowed and now just sit in piles held together by bands of rubber.

Field Notes in and around an archival box

Some stats:

  • Total: 86
  • Most used edition: Kraft ❤️
  • Stickerized: 21
  • Guest Pass: 3
  • AJD Signed: 2

By Type:

  • Colors: 56
  • DDC: 6
  • Collabs: 9
  • XOXO: 5
  • Field Notes one-off: 13
  • Tournament of Books: 2

Artsy photo of filing system If you can’t take artsy photos of your pocket notebooks, what can you?